Elina is a third-year Actuarial Mathematics student at Concordia University and has the FM and P exam under her belt. She is currently working at iA Financial Group (Industrial Alliance) and will have the opportunity to be an Actuarial analyst Intern there in Fall 2021. She joined the 2021-2022 ANÉA-ASNA team as the Director of Marketing and as the Concordia University Head Delegate after attending the ANÉA-ASNA convention, where she gained a new perspective and outlook regarding the importance of networking with professionals and other aspiring actuaries. Her main goal is to increase ANÉA-ASNA’s visibility and notoriety across Canada. She will not only leverage her technical knowledge but also her creativity in order to implement marketing strategies that will help the team reach a wider scope.
Besides school and work, Elina loves boxing, going on adventures, and traveling. She is also co-managing a small sweets business with her sister. She has a keen passion for the beauty world as she previously worked as a makeup artist. Her artistic side will definitely transpire through her work as a Director of Marketing. You can expect nothing less than valuable, original and aesthetically-pleasing content from her. She loves meeting new people and socializing, so feel free to add her on LinkedIn or Facebook.