Meet Our Team !

2024-2025 Executives

Athanasios Lavazos - President

Athanasios is a third-year Actuarial Mathematics student at Concordia University. He actively participated in various student organizations throughout his academic journey and is honoured to be serving as President of ANÉA-ASNA this year. With the help of his talented and driven team, Athanasios plans on taking the association to new heights and making an everlasting impact on the next generation of actuaries.

Athanasios previously interned at Intact and plans to broaden his experience in the field while interning at Mercer and Munich Re this upcoming year.

Outside of classes, Athanasios is social, easygoing, and appreciates spending time with his friends and family. He enjoys meeting new people as well as chatting over coffee, so feel free to say hello or reach out to him on LinkedIn.

Abigiel Utomo - President-Elect

Abigiel is a third-year actuarial student from the University of Calgary. She has completed exam FM and is planning to write exam P this coming July. She has interned at Aviva and is currently an intern at Gallagher.

In the past, she held a role as the Director of Marketing for the most recent ASNA convention in Montreal and the experience has encouraged her to step up as the current ASNA President-Elect. In her free time, she has been trying out new activities such as bouldering, dance, and badminton. She also enjoys painting to relax.

Abigiel is very grateful for the trust that the team has put in her. She will work hard to bring all of you another amazing convention in 2025 and 2026! Please do not hesitate to reach out and say hello—she’s always happy to chat!

Isaac Marchand - Convention Chair

Isaac recently graduated with a bachelor’s degree in Actuarial Science from Laval University. He is now embarking on a research master’s program in Actuarial Science at Simon Fraser University, where he aims to delve deeper into decumulation options for retirees and investment strategies. Isaac’s passion for these areas of study motivated his decision to pursue graduate-level education.

Throughout his academic journey, Isaac completed internships at consulting firms and served twice as VP Quebec for ASNA. He is returning to ASNA for a third year, this time as the Convention Chair, with the goal of further enhancing the convention experience for students and sponsors. In his leisure time, Isaac enjoys hiking, working out at the gym, and watching football. He looks forward to meeting new people, so don’t hesitate to say hello if you see him!

Dylan Iny - VP Finance

Dylan is a first-year Actuarial Mathematics student at Concordia University. He has passed his FM exam and is going to write P in the summer of 2024. Being a first-year student, he is starting his first internship in the summer of 2024 at Sun Life Financial and is looking to learn as much as possible about the industry.

Dylan attended his first ASNA event in 2024 and is excited to serve as the VP of Finance for 2025 and do his part to help ASNA have another successful year! Outside of school, he enjoys being a hockey goalie and playing guitar in his free time. He is also always eager to learn more about the field and is always open to connecting with others in the field! Feel free to reach out to him on LinkedIn if you wish to talk to him.

Vishal Aggarwal - VP Business Relations

Vishal Aggarwal is a third-year actuarial science student at Western University. This year, he takes on the role of VP Business Relations, focusing on fostering partnerships within the actuarial community. Concurrently, Vishal is gaining valuable experience through a co-op at PwC.

His journey in the actuarial field began with an internship on Intact’s pricing team in the summer of 2022, followed by another internship at Sun Life in the summer of 2023. Inspired by his experiences, Vishal has always been deeply involved in the actuarial community, holding various leadership roles within ASNA such as VP Ontario, Future Actuary and Head Delegate for Western University.

Beyond his academic and professional pursuits, Vishal enjoys staying active by working out and playing badminton. He remains open to connecting with others who share his interests and can be reached out to via Instagram or LinkedIn.

Gabriel McLellan - VP Administration

Gabe is in his second-year at Western University, pursuing an actuarial science degree. He discovered his passion for actuarial science through ASNA as well as events run at Western. Gabe has been involved in various clubs and organizations, most notably, being the first-year representative for the Actuarial and Statistical Undergraduate Association at Western. Gabe was also a volunteer at the most recent ASNA convention. Gabe plans on studying for an exam this summer and looks forward to enhancing the organization’s brand awareness and engagement.

Outside his academic and professional pursuits, Gabe enjoys playing a variety of sports and travelling around the world. He has had the unique opportunity of travelling to Japan and all across North America. Gabe firmly believes in the power of networking and collaboration and looks forward to connecting with fellow actuarial enthusiasts at the upcoming convention.

Syrine Mghirbi - Webmaster

Syrine Mghirbi is a passionate student with a keen interest in mathematics and finance, particularly in the field of actuarial mathematics. Currently pursuing her studies at Concordia University in Montreal, Syrine is actively preparing to undertake the FM and P exams in the coming months, marking a significant milestone in her academic journey.

With a drive for excellence and a meticulous approach to her work, Syrine serves as the Webmaster for ASNA. In her role, she is dedicated to making information clear and accessible to members and stakeholders, leveraging her expertise in web development and design.

Beyond her academic and professional pursuits, Syrine is committed to giving back to her community. She volunteered her time and skills for the recent ASNA convention, contributing to its success through her efforts.

As she continues to excel in her studies and contribute to her professional community, Syrine’s dedication to precision and her passion for mathematics and finance are evident. She looks forward to exploring new opportunities in her field and making a meaningful impact through her work.

Darsh Wadhia - VP Communications

Darsh Wadhia is a dedicated and enthusiastic third-year Actuarial Science student at Western University. Having passed 2 actuarial exams, Darsh is set to intern at WTW in the upcoming Summer and Fall, followed by a Winter internship at Manulife.

Last year, he embraced the role of Director of Sales, a position he thoroughly enjoyed, which led him to rejoin the team this year. In his new role, Darsh is excited about the chance to meet new people and expand his knowledge further. He is passionate about personal development and keen to learn from others. Darsh is eager to contribute significantly to both the team and the broader community.

Outside of his studies, Darsh enjoys spending time at the gym, playing soccer, watching anime, and listening to music. Feel free to connect with him on LinkedIn, and don’t hesitate to say Hi at the convention—”I’d be delighted to meet you!”

Thank you!

Juliette Vernet - Future Actuary

Juliette is a first-year Actuarial Mathematics student at Concordia University. She has completed exam FM in February, and plans on writing exam P this summer while interning at Intact Insurance. Juliette also volunteers in the Mathematics, Actuarial, and Statistics Student Association (MASSA) at Concordia, where she is part of the Internal Committee, and in her local community as a tutor. Inspired by her first attendance at the 2024 ANÉA-ASNA convention, she is excited to be more involved this year by taking on the role of Future Actuary.

Aside from her studies, Juliette enjoys reading, outdoor activities, and traveling. Her curiosity and eagerness to learn lead her to constantly seek out new interests and experiences.

Feel free to reach out to her on LinkedIn!

Sha (Sue) Liu - VP Case Competition

Sue is a third-year Mathematics student at the University of Waterloo with a focus in Financial Analysis and Risk Management and Actuarial Science. She held several actuarial co-op jobs in life insurances. Most recently, she was working at Oliver Wyman as a consultant. She was also the Chair for Quantify Insurance Case Competition, which she successfully expanded it to a national scale, ranging to 10 schools. Some of Sue’s favorite activities include Japanese jiujitsu and traveling.

Delphée St-Gelais - VP Quebec

Delphée is a dynamic third-year Actuarial Science student at Université Laval with a wealth of experience in group insurance, gained through two productive summers at Beneva.

Having had the chance to meet so many inspiring actuarial leaders since the beginning of her studies, she is joining our executive team this year to promote our convention throughout Quebec. She will also be introducing cégep and high school students to the captivating world of actuarial science, believing in the power of education and mentorship to inspire the next generation of professionals.

Whether you encounter Delphée carving on the mountains or navigating the city, don’t hesitate to strike up a conversation. Her approachability makes her a natural connector, always willing to share insights and ignite enthusiasm.

Sabrina-Christina Berbari - VP Ontario

Sabrina is a fourth-year student at the University of Waterloo and Wilfrid Laurier University majoring in Math and Business. She has passed 3 SOA preliminary exams and has actuarial internship experience at Sun Life and Munich Re. As this year’s VP of Ontario, Sabrina is committed to working collaboratively with her head delegates to execute strategic initiatives. Her goal is to create engagement and excitement from every university across Ontario for ASNA 2025.

Amy Zhao - VP West

Amy is a second-year actuarial science student at the University of Calgary. After attending her first convention as a volunteer, she knew she wanted to contribute to ASNA’s mission on a deeper level. She has passed exam FM, and she will be interning at Sun Life this Fall. She is very excited to join the team as VP West this year!

Some of Amy’s hobbies include crochet and learning French. She also really enjoys bubble tea! Feel free to reach out to her via LinkedIn with French song recommendations or just to say hi!

Riddhima Upreti - VP Atlantic

Riddhima is a fourth-year student at the University of Prince Edward Island currently majoring in Actuarial Science with a minor in statistics. She has interned at RSM Canada and Sun Life. She has previously lead the the role of head delegate for University of Prince Edward Island. This is her second time on the team as VP Atlantic. After experiencing a huge increase in participation from the Atlantic region over the years, Riddhima’s goal this year is to further maximize student participation at ASNA from the Atlantic region.

Riddhima is thrilled to be part of the executive team again and can be reached via LinkedIn!

2024-2025 Convention Committee

Tanisha Pimplikar - Director of Sponsorship

Tanisha is a fourth-year student at the University of Waterloo in the Bachelors of Mathematics Honors program double majoring in Actuarial Science and Statistics. She has passed 6 actuarial exams and is awaiting for her results for the 7th exam.

She has worked at Sun Life, Intact, Munich Re, and EY. She enjoys being involved in student clubs and has been an executive of the UW Actuarial Science Club and Chaired the Quantify 2022 Case Competition.

She enjoys listening to music, watching Formula 1 and F1-academy racing on the weekends, as well as theater plays and musicals. She loves having coffee chats with people so make sure you say hi!

Austin Do - Director of Logistics and Finance

Austin Do is about to enter his fourth year of the actuarial science program at Western University. He was on last year’s executive team as the Vice President of Communications and is excited to join this year’s convention committee as the Director of Logistics and Finance for the Actuarial National Students Association. He has completed exams P, FM, MAS-I and an actuarial internship at Echelon Insurance in personal lines auto pricing. For this upcoming summer, Austin will be working at Intact.

Outside of school, you would catch him exploring nature through hiking, other outdoor activities or making bread. He looks forward to connecting with all attendees at the upcoming convention, so if you happen to see him, don’t hesitate to say hello and strike up a conversation!

Jahanavi Kolloju - Director of Marketing

Jahanavi Kolloju is a fourth-year student at the University of Prince Edward Island, majoring in Actuarial Science and minoring in Business Administration. After attending her first ASNA Convention in 2024, she has been motivated to contribute and make the best at the 2025 ASNA Convention. She is also a member of the UPEI Actuarial Club.

Besides academics, Jahanavi loves travelling, exploring new places, and spending time with friends and family. Feel free to reach out to her on LinkedIn.

Ruby Lui - Director of Operations

Ruby is currently a third-year student at York University, pursuing her major in Actuarial Science. After attending her first ASNA convention in 2023, she was deeply inspired to contribute more to the actuarial community. She has previously served as the Director of Accommodations and Head Delegate. She is excited to take on the responsibility as the Director of Operations for the upcoming year, and she can’t wait to bring her experience and enthusiasm to the team. She can be reached through her LinkedIn.

Alex Palmer – Director of Accommodations

Alex is a student at the University of Waterloo and Wilfrid Laurier University studying math and business. He likes camping, playing video games, and fishing. He’s worked within health insurance but is looking to explore the P&C and consulting side of the actuarial field. Also, as someone who’s grown up in Ontario, Alex looks forward to exploring opportunities within Quebec or Montreal.

He looks forward to making your acquaintance!

Daria Bourdin - Director of Events

Daria is a driven and ambitious second-year Actuarial Mathematics student at Concordia University. She has completed two exams, and she is dedicated to writing more in the next year. Daria attended her first convention as a volunteer in 2023 and she was the Director of Events for ASNA last year. She had such an amazing experience on the convention committee that she couldn’t miss out on the opportunity to join the team again. She has previous internship experience at Sun Life and will be working at Mercer for an upcoming term.

Outside of school, Daria is a fitness fanatic. In her free time, she loves to hit the gym, go on hikes, and do yoga. As a past competitive swimmer, her love for the water never stops. Her dream is to travel the world and swim in all bodies of water. On top of everything, she loves to meet new people and is always ready to have fun! Feel free to reach out to her on LinkedIn or say hi if you see her around!

Jessica Tupheld - Director of Sales

Jessica is in her final year of the double degree in mathematics and business program at the University of Waterloo and Wilfrid Laurier University. She has been involved in her university’s actuarial community through the Actuarial Science Club as president and the Quantify Case Competition. She previously interned as an Actuarial Analyst at Sunlife, WTW, and is currently working in Chicago at Milliman. In her spare time she likes to play musical instruments and rock climb!

Jessica has attended two ASNA conventions in the past and is excited to contribute this semester as the Director of Sales. She is looking forward to connecting with everyone at the upcoming conventions so don’t hesitate to reach out!

Tetyana Zaplatnikova - Director of Design

Tetyana is an ambitious first-year student at Concordia University in Actuarial Mathematics. As a member of the Mathematics, Actuarial, and Statistics Student Association called MASSA, Tetyana found her niche within the Communications Committee. It’s here that she discovered her interest for creating visually captivating designs.

After attending her first convention in 2024, she made a bold decision to step up and contribute to the success of the next convention. This year, she’s taking on the role of Director of Design and Delegate, determined to infuse the next convention with her skills and creativity.

In her free time, you’ll often find her strolling through nature, soaking in the beauty of the world around her. But that’s not all-she expresses her creativity through art, exploring the depths of acrylic and watercolour painting, constantly refining her techniques. And when she’s not immersed in the world of art or mathematics, you’ll likely find her lost in the pages of a gripping historical fiction novel. Feel free to reach out and say hi to her!

Rayan Gandjy - Director of Special Projects

Rayan is a second-year Actuarial Mathematics student at Concordia University. He will be interning at BFL CANADA in Summer 2024, RGA in Fall 2024 and Sun Life in Winter 2025. He attended the 2023 and 2024 ASNA Conventions and having had a wonderful experience as a volunteer, he is looking forward to join the ASNA Team for the upcoming convention, serving as Concordia’s Head Delegate and Director of Special Projects.

Rayan is a motivated and hardworking individual, always ready to lend a helping hand if needed. He also has numerous volunteering experiences, whether it’s in ASNA, MASSA Concordia (Mathematics, Actuarial and Statistics Students Association) or within his Ismaili Community in all of Canada. Outside of school, Rayan is a sports enthusiast, very social, outgoing and loves to meet new people. Feel free to contact him on LinkedIn!

Gabriel St-Aubin- Director of Special Projects

Gabriel is a 5th year student at the University of Waterloo and Wilfrid Laurier University in the BMath/BBA program. This year will be his 4th ASNA and he is very excited to work with the rest of the team to make this a memorable ASNA for everyone! As he always says, he’s easily accessible so feel free to send him a message with any questions you think he could answer!

2024-2025 Head Delegates

Isabela Popescu- Université Laval

Isabela is a second-year student at Laval University, majoring in Actuarial science. During the summer of 2024, she completed an internship in life insurance at iA. After attending her first convention this year, Isabela is eager to promote ASNA by sharing her experience.

She is looking forward to meeting new people at the next convention, so do not hesitate to say hi if you see her!

Rayan Gandjy - Concordia University

Rayan is a second-year Actuarial Mathematics student at Concordia University. He will be interning at BFL CANADA in Summer 2024, RGA in Fall 2024 and Sun Life in Winter 2025. He attended the 2023 and 2024 ASNA Conventions and having had a wonderful experience as a volunteer, he is looking forward to join the ASNA Team for the upcoming convention, serving as Concordia’s Head Delegate and Director of Special Projects.

Rayan is a motivated and hardworking individual, always ready to lend a helping hand if needed. He also has numerous volunteering experiences, whether it’s in ASNA, MASSA Concordia (Mathematics, Actuarial and Statistics Students Association) or within his Ismaili Community in all of Canada. Outside of school, Rayan is a sports enthusiast, very social, outgoing and loves to meet new people. Feel free to contact him on LinkedIn!

Milina Khila – Université de Montréal

Meet Milina, a second-year actuarial science student at the University of Montreal filled with energy and a passion for learning. While passionate about mathematics and finances, what truly drives her is connecting with people.

This upcoming 2024 summer, Milina will be undertaking her first actuarial internship with AON in the field of retirement consulting. She’s eager to develop her professional skills and dive more into the work life of an actuary.

Outside of school and work, Milina loves going on hikes and biking trips with friends, allowing her to spend more time in nature. She also enjoys attending networking events where she can make new connections.

Milina is very excited about representing her university and contributing to the ASNA team as head delegate. She can’t wait to meet everyone in this amazing community!

Charles Léveillé - Université du Québec à Montréal

Charles is a 2nd year student majoring in actuarial science at UQAM. He attended ASNA 2023 convention in Toronto and managed to land an internship because of it. He is looking to increase possibilities for aspiring French speaking actuaries in Montreal. Feel free to reach out to him on LinkedIn!

Aimée Petrea Chiripuci - Western University

Aimée is a fourth-year Honours Actuarial Science student on her internship year. She will be working at Manulife, Canada Life, and Sun Life throughout her 16-month term. She is a Schulich Leader at Western University, a Varsity Athlete Wrestler, and a dedicated member of ASUA and Run With Us UWO. Outside of school, she enjoys working out, running, and drawing. Aimée is excited for the upcoming ASNA Convention and to promote the event to students. Feel free to reach out to her on LinkedIn!

Glory Ohikhena - York University

Glory is a fourth-year student at York University, majoring in Applied Mathematics. Actively involved in the Actuarial Student Association and mentoring Black students at her home University, she’s dedicated to fostering community and learning within her field. Inspired by her experiences at ASNA conventions, she’s motivated to make meaningful contributions to the actuarial sphere.

Beyond her academic pursuits, Glory finds joy in cooking, photography, and sharing her adventures through travel and student life content creation. Currently pursuing her actuarial credentials with one exam already passed, she’s gearing up for FM in August while eagerly anticipating an upcoming internship at Aviva this summer. Feel free to connect with her on LinkedIn.

Jacob Tweel - University of Prince Edward Island

Jacob is a second-year student at the University of Prince Edward Island studying Actuarial Science and Statistics. Along with his studies, Jacob plays on the Varsity Men’s Soccer team and was named Rookie of the Year and an Academic All-Canadian in the 2022-2023 season.

Jacob’s passion for Actuarial Science has led him to become more involved in the Actuarial Community. After attending the ANÉA-ASNA convention in 2024, Jacob was inspired to apply for the Head Delegate position with the intention of applying for the executive team in the following years.

Jacob is honoured to be part of the Head Delegate team and can be reached on LinkedIn.

Yue Zheng - University of Waterloo

Yue is a third-year student at the University of Waterloo, majoring in Actuarial Science.

She has passed Exam P and FM and plans to take Exam FAM in July. As the Head Delegate, she has the confidence to attract more students to attend ANÉA-ASNA by giving speeches. She is fully engaged in volunteering roles in the actuarial science field, such as promoting company events in her role as a Marketing Coordinator for the UW Actsci Club and assisting with case writing for the UW Quantify Case Competition 2024. Additionally, she demonstrated strong initiative by actively volunteering for ASNA 2023-2024, where she helped with seminar sessions and event setup.

Beyond her enthusiasm for actuarial science, Yue finds pleasure in engaging in card games and outdoor activities such as hiking. She also enjoys meeting new people, so feel free to connect with her on LinkedIn or say hi if you happen to see her!

Annabelle Topas - University of Toronto

Annabelle is a first-year student at University of Toronto pursuing Actuarial Science and Statistics. She attended ASNA for the first time in 2024 and had an awesome time meeting everyone. She landed her first internship at the career fair and is excited to continue contributing to the ASNA community at the next convention. Besides that, she is currently interested in rock climbing and playing badminton. She loves meeting and talking to new people so if you ever see her around, feel free to reach out and say hi!

Jayden Belza - University of Manitoba

Jayden is a second-year student from the University of Manitoba pursuing a double major in Actuarial Mathematics and Finance. He obtained his first internship with Industrial Alliance at the 2024 ASNA convention and is excited to help foster growth and connections this year as head delegate for Manitoba. He enjoys meeting new people so feel free to connect with him via LinkedIn.

Rayan Naeem- University of Regina

Rayan Naeem is a second-year student majoring in Actuarial Science at the University of Regina. After going to this year’s ASNA in Montreal, Rayan knew that he not only wanted to join the ASNA community, but take a position where he could also find a way to increase University of Regina’s attendance at the next event. As Head Delegate, he hopes to facilitate engagement and spread awareness on ASNA within the actuarial community at his school.

Additionally, Rayan plans on going into his third year with at least one actuarial exam passed, hence why he is dedicating this summer to FM and P. Besides studying, Rayan is the communications coordinator for the Mathematics, Statistics, and Actuarial Student Society and is heavily involved in martial arts, as he currently trains with the University of Regina Varsity Judo team.

Chelsea Morris - University of Calgary

Chelsea is a third-year actuarial science student at the University of Calgary. She attended her first ASNA convention this past year in Montreal where she landed her first internship at the career fair.

As Head Delegate, Chelsea hopes to increase student participation from her school at the ASNA convention, by promoting the convention’s valuable networking opportunities, seminars, and the potential for professional growth and collaboration.

She is studying for Exam FM (financial mathematics) in the summer. When she is not studying, she enjoys playing volleyball, going hiking and spending time with friends and family.

Samir Ali- Dalhousie University

Samir is a third-year international student at Dalhousie University pursuing a double major in Actuarial Science and Statistics. Outside of school, Samir enjoys reading non-fiction books, playing chess, soccer and basketball. Samir has completed 5 SOA exams currently and is sitting his 6th during the summer. This has placed him 2 actuarial internships, one at TELUS Health and the other at Sun Life.

Samir attended ASNA 2024 for the first time and enjoyed every minute of it. He is looking forward to be the Head Delegate for Dalhousie University and meeting more people for the next ASNA convention.